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nickname no art – scenographer, designer, visual jockey, performer, creates animations, interactive & immersive installations, mapping, editing, film and television post–production, loborer of experimental visual arts. He started a creative provocation in 2005 as a VJ in one of underground Cracow clubs. He is associated with many Polish festivals (Audio Art, Goadupa, Mózg, Organ Underground, PatchLAB, Egodrop) bands and institutions (Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Academy of Music and Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków). Speaker at international conferences on new media in art (Pandemic Media Space, Sensorium, Acousmonium, Network, Imersja). Developer of innovative visual techniques, the premieres of which can often be seen in the urban–underground.

no art combines geometric architecture with organic fluid and visual programming. Works on the edge of meaning with direct appeals to the subconscious. Multi–skilled innovator, promoter, and participant in social projects and performance scenes. His works have been shown on several continents. He holds a Doctorate at the Intermedia Department of the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts.   

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09.2021 – no art @ Mózg Festival | concept, execution, programming, modeling, idea and composition of laser and sound "XVII Festiwal Mózg” Bydgoszcz | PL

09.2021 – concept, execution, programming, modeling, idea and composition of laser mapping | reactive laser visualizations | Gdansk, Poland

07.2021 – laser mapping | innovative concept and Execution of 500th anniversary of Bell Zygmunt laser mapping on facade Wawel’s castle | Kraków, Poland

01.2021 – concept | interactive visuals | programming | composition of Test dummy - part of Pandemic Media Space - art project | worldwide web project |

12.2020 – mapping | concept and Execution of La'o Lemorai Sole nabega rea exhibition | Galeria Miejska BWA | Bydgoszcz, Poland

11.2020 – interactive and immersive 360° visuals @ Audio Art Festival | Hevre | Kraków, Poland

10.2020 – interactive visuals @ Fonomo Festival | Bydgoszcz, Poland

2013 – 2020 – lead animations (every year since 2013) @ European Festival of Computer Games Digital Dragons | Kraków, Poland

08.2020 – interactive laser performance | Oscilaser @ Mózg on Screen | Mózg | Bydgoszcz, Poland

06.2020 – 3d sculpture mapping | laser show | exhibition @ no art & Martha Mulawa | Kraków, Poland

06.2020 – interactive visuals | streaming | directing | live performance ZOOMiT Makro Zblizenia theatrical performane | Instytut Kultury Miejskiej | Gdansk, Poland

12.2019 – laser mapping @ 18th anniversary Kult Tattoo Studio | Kraków, Poland

11.2019 – visuals | animations @ 20th Mayday anniversary | Spodek | Katowice, Poland

11.2019 – interactive and immersive 360° visuals @ Audio Art Festival | Hevre | Kraków, Poland

10.2019 – interactive brainwaves laser show | 3d mapping | FoMaTi @ Tetramatyka Festival | LEM Station | Lviv, Ukraine  

05.2019 – interactive live lasers @ Museums Night | Botanical Garden | Kraków, Poland

04.2019 – interactive live lasers @ GardenPro opening | Kraków, Poland

02.2019 – animation @ KOSMA GwangJu International Exhibition | Gwangju, South Korea

12.2018 – interactive live lasers @ Dream Adoption Society opening | Teatr Powszechny | Warszawa, Poland

12.2018 – interactive visuals @ TeGeLaR concerts | FINTEKA, Warszawa | Cricoteka | Kraków, Poland

11.2018 – immersive 360° visuals @ Audio Art Festival Hevre | Kraków, Poland

10.2018 – visuals @ IV Kraków Accordion Festival | Kraków, Poland

10.2018 – Save Goadupa | semi holographic interactive visuals | lasers | Wrocław & Kraków, Poland

10.2018 – NETWORK conference – My Network doesn’t (net)work | Academy of Music | Kraków, Poland

05.2018 – Ghost Conference – lecture about melting identity | Bunkier Sztuki | Kraków, Poland

05.2018 – interactive semi – holographic visuals | Akcja - ROTACJA | Synchrotron SOLARIS | Kraków, Poland

04.2018 – visuals @ GrupLab’s Electronic Coctail MOCAK (Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków) | Poland

03.2018 – visuals @ V Cracovian Cello Spring Academy of Music | Kraków, Poland

11.2017 – mapping on surfaces of various planes @ „Sen o lataniu” – Polish Aviation Museum | Kraków, Poland

11.2017 – interactive installation | 3d mapping – Lush Creative Showcase | Dallas, USA

10.2017 – interactive visuals @ the „Megapolis” concert, International Festival of Contemporary Music "Contrasts" | Lviv, Ukraine

09.2017 – mapping animations for musical „Wiedźmin” | Musical D. Baduszkowej Theatre | Gdynia, Poland

08.2017 – interactive installation and 3d mapping – Lush Creative Showcase during Fringe Festival | Edinburgh, UK

07.2017 – VJ'ing and interactive installation @ Goa Dupa Festival | Bieszczady Mountains, Poland

06.2017 – interactive installation for 40th anniversary of Muzyka Centrum Willa Decjusza w Krakowie, Poland

05.2017 – founder and author „no art no fun” parties inverting conventions of typical one VJ many DJ's parties | Kraków, Poland

04.2017 – interactive VJ and creation of the biggest screen for polish psychadelic VJ'ing at Serotonina party | Warszawa, Poland

02.2017 – interactive installation for Egodrop party | Kraków, Poland

01.2017 – interactive visuals and brainwave programming for series of Marek Chołoniewski „Wiatrofale” concerts | Radom, Kielce, Kraków, Poland

10.2016 – interactive mapping @ Arkadiusz Bialic concert in Karol Szymanowski Philharmonic in Cracow | Poland

10.2016 – interactive mapping @ Arkadiusz Bialic concert Arthur Rubinstein Philharmonic of Lodz | Poland

09.2016 – interactive installation and 3d mapping – Lush Creative Showcase | London, UK

07.2016 – 3d installation and mapping for Goa Dupa Festival | Bieszczady, Poland

05.2016 – animation for Mercedes (new car model show), Poland

04.2016 – animations for the Józef Czapski Pavilion museum | Kraków, Poland

11–12.2015 – scenography design | 3d mapping | interactive visualizations | movie editing theatrical play „Mikołaj Kantor Mikołajczyk” | dir Mikołaj Mikołajczyk PL

06.2014 – 03.2016 – editing and postproduction of theatrical teasers | Teatr Stary | Kraków, Poland

08 – 09.2015 – animation | editing | motion design | visualization and mapping | "Projekt DEKALOG czyli folwarczne imaginarium" dir Mikołaj Mikołajczyk, Zakrzewo, Poland

0.8.2015 – retouch | cleaning, tracking, keying | cinematic movie "Listy do M 2" dir Maciej Dejczer

11–12.2014 – scenography design | 3d mapping | interactive visualizations | animations theatrical play „Diabełek Pawełek” dir Mikołaj Mikołajczyk | Kalisz, Poland

10.2014 – interactive visualizations @ festival „Dzień Muzyki Nowej” in Radomsko at the concert „Wariacje multimedialne na temat polskich tańców ludowych

10.2014 – the presentation of interactive installation „Ocilloshock” and lecturer at international conference Nisha Academy of Music | Kraków, Poland

10.2014 – spot animation Reminiscencje Teatralne (Theatrical reminiscences) | Kraków, Poland

09.2014 – spot animation Dance Move Cities

08.2014 – editing and postproduction Dropout videoclip

07–09.2014 – postproduction of interviews and shortcut movies at Festiwal Smaku in Lublin | Poland

06.2014 – mapping at Ingress - the international Google game awards | Kraków, Poland

05.2014 – editing and postproduction „Nienawiść” dir Bartosz Żurowski | PWST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Kraków, Poland

05.2014 and 2016 – part of International Festival "Days of Organ Music" in Cracow – interactive visualizations at the concert of Marek Chołoniewski (2014),

also 3d mapping and interactive visualization at the festival in mention years

04.2014 – postproduction | cinematic movie „Arbiter uwagi” dir Jakub Polakowski

01.2014 – 05.2016 – mapping | interactive installation „Holoflower” for Egodrop parties | Warszawa and Kraków, Poland

02–04.2014 – scenography design for sports events coop with Mała Wytwórnia Wielkich Snów

11–12.2013 – editing movies for Visualsupport

09–10.2013 – projection mapping #stalker @ Cracow Theatrical Reminiscences | Poland

09.2013 – editing | postproduction of NGC5474 for exhibitional purposes in the gallery Bunkier Sztuki | Kraków, Poland

08.2013 – in prod. – editing | postproduction | „Manju” dir Marta Deskur

08.2013 – individual show „BLOB w Teatrze Nowym | animation in real time | Nowy Theatre, Kraków, Poland

08.2013 – Letnie Pranie MÓZGU in Bydgoszcz | mapping and animation on festival | Poland

06–07.2013 – 3d mapping | main stage project Goa Dupa Festival | Dolina Będkowska, Poland

12.2012 – 03.2013 – editing | postproduction „Spełnia się” dir Gaweł Kownacki | shows: Małopolski Ogród Sztuki, Nowe Horyzonty Festival, TVP |

11–12.2012 – mapping | animation @ Festiwal Szopek Krakowskich | Kraków, Poland

02–12.2012 – cooperation in production of exhibitions in F.A.I.T. gallery | Kraków, Poland

09–10.2012 – cooperation in the grand opening of Małopolski Ogród Sztuki | mapping, animation | Kraków, Poland

08–09.2012 – interactive mapping at Light Move Festival 2012 | animations, interface application design | Łódź, Poland

07.2012 – „Tirvyous Wagon” – audiovisual performance in Bydgoszcz | mapping, animations | Poland

07.2012 – mapping on cocoon construction and dancers „Everybodyskin” at XXVI International Street Art Theatre Festival | Kraków, Poland

06.2012 – VJing „RemixFestival organised by Zbiornik Kultury Bunkier Sztuki | Kraków, Poland

05–09.2012 – postproduction documentary series „Szlakiem Gwiazd” for TVP | keying, animation, motion design |

04–05.2012 – editing | postproduction Karol Radziszewski's „MS 101” for ArtBoom Festiwal | shows: ArtBoom, Nowe Horyzonty |

04–05.2012 – mapping on Sukiennice building, Kraków's main square, Science Festival | Poland

01–04.2012 – postproduction shortcut movies at Silesian University (coop with students) | Poland

11–12.2011 – functionality | interior design for Celpap company in Wieliczka | Poland

10.2011 – mapping on dancer | interactive glitch design | performance "Kiap Enuj" @ „VII Festiwal Mózg” in Bydgoszcz | Poland

02–08.2011 – editing | postproduction of Mateusz Okoński's Videoart „Msza” for gallery exhibitional purposes in Zbiornik Kultury | Kraków, Poland

02–08.2011 – color grading movie interviews of Marcin Biały for Gazeta Wyborcza

04–06.2011 – organization of exhibitions for the gallery Strefa na Józefa, ul Józefa 16, Kraków, Poland

2009 – 2011 – various projects | interior and furniture design | for AUTO STOP Bary i Hotele Polskie Sp. z o.o.

08–12.2010 – animation | photo session for Avant Apres in LOUNGE magazine

2010 – bar and furniture design for MPL Services (airport and marshall office) | Kraków, Poland

01–08.2010 – interior design of kindergarten and office st. Geodezyjna | Warszawa, Poland

09–10.2009 – graphic | animation | music design of Rafał Nowinski fashionshow | Kraków, Poland

02–03.2007 – interior design Cafe Malaga club | main square | Kraków, Poland

06.2006 – 01.2007 – retro interior design of wine club "KORKOCIAG" – bistro i skład win | st. Emilii Plater, Warszawa, Poland

01.2005 – 10.2010 – interior | fruniture | bath designs for individual clients | Poland

06.2005 – 06.2008 – interior designer in BOMAR 2 company | Kraków, Poland


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